Susy Ponders...

There are a lot of things I have said and done and a lot of things said and done to me that I wish never happened.  I can't live my life in regret, but I can help others not to make the same mistakes.   
9/29/2009 03:00:58 pm

Thankyou for your insightful sharing of your youth & the behaviours you had back then,Iam gaining some sort of understanding that pacifys me from your story shared,I have a24yr old son that has still got a room perhaps worse than the bedroom you described in your letter however I figured that he ought to be out of that sort of behaviour now I never realised that he would 1st have to find out whom he is & why he is continuously repeating the dreadful messy room,it irks me to the core & I think so often that he doesn't care & may even do it to spite me even,since reading your letter to self I have had a lightbulb moment & now realise it is of course important for him to know whom he is to be the best he can be & when we know better we do better so again thanks for letting me have insight to things from what may be his perspective,perhaps he is still growing up & hasn't yet learned whom what where when or how he can be the man he is supposed to be the young man God created for him to be for it now makes no sense for me to be angry at him it makes sense now to increase my prayers for him instead,it must be awful to truly not care about something to the point of where it grows into a disgusting mess before your eyes that must be stressful living in it as well as trying to find oneself too.I shall not so much let him away with things however now I shall be less judgemental & anxious for the state of his room since I so often compared his potential to the state of his room & that bedroom was a projection of whom he is right now & that scares me enough that it causes me to dismiss & judge him & lose respect for him when all along theres a plan in action from our God to change everything when my son finds out what why where how he is whom he is&what he is here for,there will then be a natural reward of my son projecting a mature knowledge wisdom & understanding enough of life that he will only want to project a better image so I must be patient with him although not letting him get away with anything I can at least now utelise your knowledge & wisdom & implement your testimony into my daily thinking that yes we do better when we know better & when we know better we are becoming a better advocate in life to others.I just want to encourage you & say thankyou for your sharing & pondering it has given me some hope of better things to come also I have realised I was perhaps too judgemental over my son & wasn't understanding he has his own crosses to bare in life just learning to be what God wants him & intends him to be God Bless you Susy ! Many thanks from a concerned mother

9/30/2009 03:01:18 pm

I like what you have to share I truly speak as one who kept themselves as pure for my husband & I know that he always gives me that extra mile of respect for the knowledge he & I share secretly that I was meant for him & he was meant for me ,being in Love is increased in Joy when one stays cellibit awaiting their spouses Blessing of untravailed pastures,such beuteful things are found within the hearts of each other so people out there do it different from the rest I did & all I ever feel now is Blessed! regards to allMumsystheword x


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