Susy Ponders...

As I was praying with friends last night I saw something really awe-inspiring in my mind. We were praying for our city, Glasgow, that it would become a really amazing place where people prospered and supported one another and where areas of deprivation become vibrant areas full of life.In my mind, as we were praying, I imagined the whole city from an elevated view, which wasnt hard to do sitting in the top floor of a tenement! Suddenly i saw huge fires engulf each end of the city and one at the centre. The one at the east end of the city was particularly huge!!  I thought to myself, God what are you showing me because i knew I hadnt decided to imagine the fire. Here is my interpretation of what I felt and heard God say in my mind..."The fire is my Spirit. Im burning up the chaf and the rubbish, all the man-made efforts and support systems that arent eternal. Only the unshakeable works will stand, the things that are built on my foundation.  People who dont know me will hear about me. They will have nowhere else to turn. They will call on me and I will answer them.". I dont like to speak on behalf of God on the basis of my thoughts and imagination so I asked God to show me in the Bible where this rings true.  I opened my bible and read this:  "When God spoke from Mount Sinai His voice shook the earth, but now He makes another promise: Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also.  This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakeable things will remain.  Since we are receiving a kingdom that is unshakeable, let us be thankful and please God by worshipping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire."
Yesterday, I suddenly found myself imagining Jesus prior to the cross having his beard pulled out by Roman Soldiers. They ripped the hair from His face, likely tearing the flesh from His face.  My heart squeezed at the thought of it. I realised this was an odd thought to have out of the blue and asked the question 'God, what are you trying to tell me?' Immediately, a question came back at me 'Why did they pull hair out of His beard? Was it really just to inflict pain?'  After a quick google, I discovered that levitical law required that a priests beard should not be 'marred' which basically means 'to inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage.  Aha moment! Jesus is our high priest (hebrews 4) so they were actually undermining His position and what He was called to do.  This completely undermined the sovereignty of God. They knew exactly what they were doing!  The suffering they were inflicting belittled what Jesus proclaimed He was and would do.  My next question (because me and you are full of questions!!)
'How is that relevant to us today?'  That question brought a specific message from God to His church...  Some of you are experiencing or have experienced suffering or circumstances that undermines what God has called you to do or what He has promised you.  This is what God is saying to you: 'I gave my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pull out my beard.  I do not hide from shame, for they mock me and spit in my face.  Because the sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do His will and I know I will triumph' (Isaiah 50:6-7). So when you feel like your life isnt quite adding up to what God promised, dont shrivel back or slump. Keep your head held high and keep doing what God created you to do.  God always triumphs!

    Green Tea with God

    Green Tea with God was inspired by Bill Hybels 'Coffee with God' sermon, found here:
    On the mornings I wake up before my boys, I sneak downstairs, make a cup of green tea and ask God to speak to me.  This blog is an account of what God says to me, how he says it and how I come to conclusions about life circumstances and decisions based on what I hear from God.  When I say 'hear' I dont mean audibly. (for those who are picking up the phone to men in white jackets!)  I believe God speaks within us.  He uses our imagination, our memories, books we have read and his own words in the Bible.  


    May 2013

